Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Taman Negara

Arrived at Taman Negara after a bit of a hair-raising van ride as the driver had a real lead foot and road conditions were wet. At Temberling jetty we needed to purchase our Entry Permits to the national park and then had a lovely lunch at a local eatery while we waited for the boat. The boat ride was two and a half hours long and we finally arrived around 4pm and settled into our accommodation at the Mutiara Resort. The rainy conditions eased and then cleared so we caught a river taxi over to the floating restaurants and had dinner. Tomorrow I'll be up early and off to bird the trails while mum and Linda have opted to do a bit of exploring including across the river and around the Kampung. We'll all meet up again around midday and most likely have a dip in the river. We've already had a visit by a local - a rather greedy, overly confident but cute 'wild' boar around our bungalow who also visited next door for a wallow in a dust bath under their bungalow which like ours, is raised on stumps. While I type this I think I'm hearing an owl calling outside which is pretty torturous as I've not got a torch with me. We're thinking about going on a guided jungle walk tomorrow night.